The next best thing has just arrived at Nuts About Hi-Fi. We are excited to announce a new product into our ever growing line of products. The Lyngdorf MP-60 Audio/Video Processor.
Peter Lyngdorf, along with Steinway & Sons, has created a stellar audio/video processor that not only looks good, but sounds amazing too. There are many features in the MP-60 that make it get past the problems that most audio/video processors possess. Normally with a surround sound system, music is just held back. This requires having a separate stereo processor in conjunction with the surround sound to get the benefits of both. With Lyngdorf you get the best of both in one unit. The full balanced output design with only XLR connections ensures the best signal to your external amplifiers. Room Perfect then goes through and mics everything to its purest resolution. We have done many high end processors, but nothing sounds quite as good as a Lyngdorf MP-60. We all want one for ourselves and we think you will too.